NorthEast Monitoring, Inc. NEMM046-Rev-D
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Gateway - Socket Technical Manual
Chapter 4. Receiving Events via FTP
4. Receiving Events via FTP
System Requirements
The computer at the Service/institute where the events
are to be received, must have the following minimal
Windows 10 Operating System;
Eight (8) GB of RAM memory;
Twenty (20) GB of available disk storage;
Broadband Internet connection
Access to Port 21
FTP server capability - Internal or commercially
hosted FTP site
The Event Decoder Utility
The Event Decoder utility must be installed on the local
PC. The Event Decoder will download the event files
from the FTP site, decrypt them using your unique
URL-key, and will place them into the Incoming Files
folder for LX Event to retrieve.
Setting up Event Decoder Utility
Contact Northeast Monitoring Support to get a copy of
the Event Decoder utility. Install the utility on a PC
where the LX Event software resides. By default, the
Event Decoder will create and be installed in the
C:\nm\eventpgm directory.
The installer will put a shortcut in the startup list so it
will start on booting the computer. It assumes that
xx\ftp\event is the location where the "incoming files"
go and that the program will be in xx\eventpgm. Further
one has to put the urlkey.dat file in xx\eventpgm. xx\ is
by default c:\nm\
Note: You must put a copy of your url-key file into
the directory with the Event Decoder Utility in order
for it to run
WinSCP - FTP client
The Event Decoder installer will also load WinSCP
onto your PC. This utility will be called by the Decoder
Utility to download the files from the FTP site.
FTP user name and password
Once the url-key file is in the directory, run eventcode
with the argument “user password” to identify your
FTP site’s logon credentials. You will then need to use
these to set up the FTP site that you will be using to
transmit event.
To do this, open the Command prompt, go to
c:\nm\evenpgm and run:
c:\nm\eventpgm>eventdecode user password
Your response will look something like this:
NorthEast Monitoring EventDecode version 1.00
Jul 12 2021
service url: ABCDE
urlkey Key ID 1234
ftp server ftp.ftpnemon.com port 21
user [email protected]
password AfRSD9eZ
The user name that you use to access your FTP site may
will incorporate the user identified by the decoder util-
ity. They may not be the same exact string.