Installation—26810011 and 2681201
Step Seven: Install rubber grommet (784519) into hole in
Apply soap to rubber grommet.
Press grommet into the 9/16" hole in the sprayer
tank. Ensure the bottom lip of the grommet is fully
through the hole, and the top lip is flush with the top
of the tank.
Step Eight: Reinstall pump onto sprayer
Apply soap to bypass fitting on
Press bypass fitting into the grommet.
Reinstall four screws through pump
feet and into threaded holes in the tank.
Step Nine: Reinstall hoses
Install fitting on inlet hose into inlet
port of the pump. To insert quick
connect fittings, lubricate O-ring with
water and twist fitting while inserting
into pump port. Slide red QC clip
Install gun hose onto fitting in the front
side of the regulator. Secure with hose
Sprayer is now ready for boom kit
installation. See manual that came
with boom kit for further
Note: Sprayer will be rotated on
ATV to face opposite direction for
boom kits.