Basic functions
Web User Interface User Guide 27
Working with voice mail
You can use your Web UI with your Enterprise voice mail system.
Checking voice mail
On the Home pane, click Refresh. The Home page refreshes and
one of the following messages appear:
— Voicemail: No messages
— Voicemail: New messages
Retrieving voice mail
On the Home pane, click the Voicemail: New messages link.
Answer the incoming call. You are connected to your Enterprise
voicemail system.
Enter your PIN when prompted.
Configuring voice mail
The voice mail service number is provided by your administrator. You can
change the service number if requested to do so by your administrator.
On the Home pane, select Settings.
The voice mail service number is displayed at the bottom of the
Settings pane.
Choose the new voicemail service number from the drop down menu,
and click Save.