307UM0200_01 May 2016
PD27x User Manual
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1. Introduction
The PD27x Series Dual Channel Induc
ve Loop Vehicle Detector is a dual channel microprocessor based detector
designed specifically for parking and vehicle access control applica
ons. It is suited primarily for complex mul
access control and coun
ng applica
ons. Using the most up-to-date technology, the PD27x has been designed to meet
the requirements of a vast number of parking applica
ons pertaining to opera
ng conditions and various op
available to the user.
The primary func
on of the detector is to detect vehicle presence by means of an inductance change caused by the
vehicle passing over a wire loop buried under the road surface.
Figure 1. The PD27x Vehicle Detector (11 Pin housing on le
and DIN Rail on right)
The detector has been designed for ease of installa
on and convenience, with automa
c frequency selection to assist
with installa
on, it is easily configured to suit various applica
By making use of the DIP switches and push bu
on, the PD27x can be easily set up for the users applica
on needs. The
unit also provides diagnos
cs by means of the Nortech DU100 and DU700 units.
The PD27x provides visual outputs (LED’s) on the front of the enclosure to provide an indica
on of the state of the
channels as well as the detector itself. The channel LED’s indicate whether a vehicle is present over the loop or there is
a fault on the loop while the power LED indicates that the unit has been powered, is opera
onal and provides a means
of communica
on via the DU100 and DU700 units.
The unit has relay change-over contacts at the rear of the enclosure for providing outputs as configured by the front
panel DIP switches.
Although it is a dual channel detector, the design eliminates the possibility of crosstalk between the loops connected to
the detector by using sequential channel scanning.
Related Documents are listed below
Data Sheet
Document No. 307DS0002
on Leaflet
Document No. 307LF0002
2/4 Channel Vehicle Detector Installation Guide
Document No. 879LF0006