Blower Pack Installation Guide |
Trap Condensate
Trap at all low points and recommended intervals using full size ‘T’ for traps.
Condensate should not be routed to a sink used frequently by personnel. Route to a floor
drain or equivalent. Condensate normally cools in traps but is still hot. A larger steam line
generates more condensate and water may not cool in the trap. A drain water cooler
option may be installed if required by code.
Route condensate to floor drain or equivalent in multi-unit to single RM-BP.
Do not install electric zone valves on steam lines. Improper adjustment will over-pressurize
the humidifier.
Steam Line Rules
The following 10 points provide rules for installing steam lines connecting
the NH–EL humidifier to RM-BP. In addition to these rules never use
unapproved material for steam lines.
Figure 10: Steam Line Condensate Plumbing