Copyright © 1990-2011 Norman ASA
Norman Network Protection
Administrator Guide
Administration and configuration | Configure
Initial grace time (Optional)
This is the grace time allowed for the two nodes to negotiate which node that should be operational
when both starts up, for example after a main power failure.
Ping timeout (Optional)
The time it takes before failover initiates when a node does not respond.
Node ID (Required)
Identify this node as either node 1 or node 2.
Node Priority (Required)
Choose between
. Decides if a node is identified as the Primary or
Secondary node.
Auto fallback (Optional)
If you select this option, the primary node is always the operational node if it’s up and running.
How to remove a node from the cluster failover
1. Go to the web management on the NNP failover node you want to remove.
2. You will receive a warning that this node is configured by the primary cluster failover node:
Figure 41: Cluster warning
(This NNP is configured in a cluster as a secondary NNP. You should only change settings on the
primary NNP. If you are absolutely sure that you want to change the settings on the secondary NNP,
please use the link in the dialog.) Click the link to go to the configuration pages anyway.
3. You will be directed to the
Configure > Network Configuration
page. Deselect the
Enable cluster failover
4. Make sure that the operation mode is set to
. Alternatively, remove the bridge network
5. The node is now removed from the cluster failover. You must remove the dedicated network cable
before continuing with the next action.
6. After removing the dedicated network cable, repeat step 3 on the primary NNP node.
7. Your failover cluster is now removed.
Join Endpoint Manager Realm
This option allows you to manage NNP centrally from a Norman Endpoint Manager console. To man-
age this NNP centrally, you must enter the IP address, username and password for the Norman
Endpoint Manager. Note that IPv6 also are valid addresses.