Instruction Sheet
1999 Nordson Corporation
All rights reserved
108 463C
Issued 6/99
Manual 16-1
P/N 108 463C
Air Flow Switch
The air flow switch is used in manual and automatic electrostatic spray
systems to energize the electrostatic power supply. It is designed to
install directly onto the electrostatic supply unit cabinet and wire into the
power supply’s main terminal block.
The air flow switch is actuated by atomizing air flowing through the switch
when a spray gun is triggered. Inside the switch body, the air flow forces
a magnetic spool upward until it closes a magnetic reed switch,
completing an electrical circuit through the power unit terminal block and
energizing the high voltage output of the electrostatic power supply.
Use the following steps to install the air flow switch onto the electrostatic
power supply.
Locate the pre-punched mounting hole in the center of
the bottom panel of the electrostatic power supply (1). A smaller hole
is provided for the locating pin on the air flow switch (5).
2. Remove the conduit lock nut (6) from the air flow switch connector
and insert the switch’s wire leads into the larger hole. Insert the air
flow switch connector into the hole and line up the locating pin with
the smaller hole.
3. Secure the air flow switch to the power supply bottom panel with the
conduit nut. Tighten the conduit nut securely.
4. Connect the wire leads to the terminal block (7) using one of the
following guidelines:
EPU-8: Disconnect the jumper from terminals 9 and 10 on
terminal block 1 (TB1) and install the wire leads to terminals 9
and 10.
EPS6 and EPS8: Connect the wire leads to terminals 1 and 2 on
terminal block TB3.
1. Description
2. Installation