24 | Nord PiaNo 5 User MaNUal os v1.1x
Nord soUNd MaNaGer
aBoUT Nord soUNd MaNaGer
Nord sound Manager is an essential application for any owner of a Nord
instrument, which allows for organizing, altering and backing up content
within the various memory areas on the Nord Piano 5. These are some
of the common tasks performed through the Nord sound Manager:
• organizing and naming Programs.
• downloading new Piano sounds to the Piano partition.
• downloading new samples to the sample partition.
• Uploading Programs from the Nord Piano 5 to a computer.
• Uploading
containing programs
their associated piano
and sample files.
• Performing backups of the entire instrument.
• restoring the entire instrument to a previous state from a backup file.
The Nord sound Manager
and the user manual
for the application can
be found at the www.nordkeyboards.com website, in the
sYsTeM reQUireMeNTs
os x 10.7 or later
Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Nord UsB driver version v3.0 or later required for Windows.