1. First turn off the AC power before making any electrical connections.
2. Connect battery to charge circuit board before connecting AC power.
Ceiling ( See diagram 4) or Side mounting (See diagram 5)
Single or Double Face
1. Open EXIT panel from the housing (see diagram 1) and remove the hole plugs from the top (or side) of the
housing, If necessary.
2. Remove the proper directional chevron(s) from the EXIT panel(s) carefully, if necessary.
Carefully remove the knock outs only otherwise if may cause damage on the surface).
Remove the back plate from the housing by removing housing screws (4pcs) at the corner of the Exit
(2) Then assemble the additional EXIT panel using the housing screws (4pcs) with the housing.
The additional EXIT panel does not have any clips)
4. Secure canopy to the housing using hole numbers “2” and “3” on the canopy with provided canopy screws
(2) # 10-24 screws
5. Feed AC supply leads through top (or side) hole on the housing and the crossbar, then make the proper
supply lead connections. If using 120VAC, connect the black and white leads to the building utility. If using
277VAC, connect the orange and white leads to the building utility. Cap off unused wire. If the unit is
self-powered, be sure to snap battery connector together. During installation, use the enclosed “ holding
wire” for assistance. (See diagram 3)
6. Push excess wire into junction box and align holes in canopy with those in crossbar. Using screws supplied,
tighten canopy to crossbar so that canopy is securely fastened and tight against ceiling (or wall).
7. Snap EXIT panel into the housing, bottom first and then top. (See diagram 2)
Back Mounting (See diagram 6)
1. Open EXIT panel (see diagram 1) and remove the proper directional chevron(s) from the EXIT panel
carefully, if necessary.
Carefully remove the knock outs only otherwise it may cause damage on the surface)
2. Remove the knock out hole on the center of back plate. Then remove the oblong knock outs on the back
plate that correspond to junction box holes to be used.
3. Feed AC supply leads through center hole on the back plate, then make the proper supply lead
connections. If using 120VAC, connect the black and white leads to the building utility. If using 277VAC,
connect the orange and white leads to the building utility. Cap off unused wire. If the unit is self-powered,
be sure to snap battery connector together.
Feed excess wire into junction box and secure back plate to junction box.
Snap EXIT panel into the housing, bottom first and then top. (See diagram 2)