Comment on a friend's post
1 Swipe to
what's new
. Recent posts from your friends are displayed.
2 On the post, select .
3 Write your comment, and select .
Upload a picture to a service
After you take a picture, upload it to the web so all your friends can see what you're
up to. You can also set up your phone to upload pictures automatically to social
networking services.
1 Browse your photo albums for the picture you want to share.
2 Select and hold the picture, and select
3 Select the sharing method. You can send it in a text message or mail, or upload
it to social networking services.
4 Add a picture caption if you want, and select .
Internet connections
Define how your phone connects to the internet
Does your network service provider charge you a fixed fee for data transfer, or on a
pay as you use basis? To use the optimal connection method, change the Wi-Fi and
mobile data settings.
Use a Wi-Fi connection
1 Select
2 Make sure
WiFi networking
is switched to
3 Select the connection you want to use.
Using a Wi-Fi connection is generally faster and less expensive than using a mobile
data connection. If both Wi-Fi and mobile data connections are available, your phone
uses the Wi-Fi connection.
Use a mobile data connection
1 Select
mobile network
2 Switch
Data connection