Install Coreboot on a Nokia IP530 HOWTO.
5.2 Booting the Nokia IP530 with FreeBSD.
Place the CF card or HDD (when installing a HDD removed the CF card (if still present)
from the IP530, you don't need it). Connect a NUL-Modem cable between the IP530 and
a other system where you can run a terminal program (or even a real serial terminal).
When the IP530 starts the original BIOS starts with speed 9600 Bps set the terminal
accordingly. Now turn on the power and the IP530 shows its startup screen on the
terminal console. And that it's booting FreeBSD OS.
5.3 Reading the original flash-rom.
Login to FreeBSD, switch to the /bios directory and execute the following command:
>flashrom -r original-bios.rom [enter]
Now the Flashrom program shows information about its self and shows that the current
flash chip is supported for read, write and verify, and that for EARSE is Flashrom
untested (this is not a problem, because the ERASE is done every programming action).
Then it continues with that's it reading the ROM. A file 'original-bios.rom' is created.
This is only done to have a fallback when something goes wrong with the flashing of the
In case of an error see 4.2 Problems.
5.4 Testing the writing the flash-rom.
To test if the flash utility works properly now enter the next command:
>flashrom -w original-bios.rom [enter]
Now the Flashrom program shows information about its self. When a message appears
that the flash could not be written. you have an incorrect version of Flashrom. In this case
no harm done the original BIOS is still in the flash chip.
When it continues with the message Erasing the flash. And continues with programming
the flash. When this steps succeeds you can go on to the update.
In case of an error see 4.2 Problems.
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