Nokia 2.1 User Guide
Keep track of time – learn how to use your phone as a clock, as well as an alarm clock, and how
to keep your appointments, tasks, and schedules up to date.
Set date and time
Tap Settings > System > Date & time .
Update the time and date automatically
You can set your phone to update the time, date, and time zone automatically. Automatic
update is a network service and may not be available depending on your region or network
service provider.
1. Tap Settings > System > Date & time .
2. Switch Automatic date & time on.
3. Switch Automatic time zone on.
Change the clock to the 24-hour format
Tap Settings > System > Date & time , and switch Use 24-hour format on.
Your clock is not just for alarms – learn what else you can do.
Use the countdown timer
No more overcooking – use the countdown timer to measure your cooking times.
1. Tap Clock >
2. Set the duration of the timer.
Use the stopwatch
Use the stopwatch to see how you improve on the running track.
Tap Clock >
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