Using two repeaters
The picture below shows how two repeaters can be daisy chained.
The downside of daisy chaining is that now both repeaters relay also the data that they receive
from the other repeater. This increases radio traffic and therefore decreases the maximum number
of radio transmitters in a coverage area. See the transmitter’s manual or example table on page 6
how the use of repeaters affects the maximum number of transmitters.
Placing the repeaters
The repeater must be placed in the coverage area of at least one receiver. For example, in the
picture below the whole warehouse is covered using two repeaters that are placed near both
ends of the warehouse. In this way the receiver that is placed in the center of the warehouse can
receive transmissions anywhere from the warehouse.
The best installation site for the device is a fairly large grounded metal surface that has little
surrounding metal walls. The best signal levels are achieved when there is a line of sight to
transmitters. Walls and obstacles attenuate the signal and therefore decrease the coverage area.
On the other hand, metal surfaces can also cause reflections and increase the coverage area.
50..200 m
Coverage area
RS-485 / RS-232 / USB
RS-485 / RS-232 / USB
50..200 m
Coverage area