Hi5 VR Glove
Developer Guidelines
NOITOM corporation
Sep.2017 V1.1
Hi5 VR Glove Developer Guidelines
5. Calibration Instructions
5.1 Notice
1. Before doing this calibration, please make sure your Hi5 Gloves are not magnetized.
To demagnetize the Hi5 Gloves, please follow the demagnetization instructions.
2. Please do the calibration procedure every time the optical tracking system is either
moved, recalibrated, or when the user of the Hi5 Gloves is changed.
3. When
doing the calibration, make sure the optical tracking devices don’t lose tracking
during the whole calibration process, otherwise the calibration results will be wrong.
4. Please watch the
“Calibration Tutorial Video”
on the Hi5 website
get a more comprehensive understanding of how to do the calibration poses.
5.2 Calibration Steps
The full calibration procedure includes two steps in order: B pose (Buddha pose) and P
pose (Pinch pose). The B pose is the basic pose, which MUST be done after you set up
your optical tracking system. P pose will improve your thumb performance to achieve
“finger touch”. However, if you are already satisfied with B pose results, P pose is
Step 1. B (Buddha) pose:
B pose is used to calibrate the rotation between the optical tracking system and the
Glove’s inertial global coordinate system, and your palm and finger (except thumb)
sensors. It is a dynamic calibration pose.
( Figure 5.2-1 )