Design Notes
In 2019, we released five analog distortions, which we jokingly called the “Distortion of
the Month.” All good things come to an end, and we had to stop putting out distortions
for a while, despite having many more ideas. We expected that we would release
several in 2020. That...didn’t happen.
During the onslaught of 2019 releases, we had a lot of people asking if we were ever
going to do a stereo distortion (with one really fantastic person buying two of, I think,
every distortion we did that year so he could get stereo going!). The answer was an
unequivocal yes but here it is 2021 and we haven’t gotten these out yet.
This is not the stereo distortion we had in mind when we promised all those awesome
people that one was coming (that’s still coming though!). One day, Stephen just started
maniacally putting distortions together in software and we had way more fun with it than
we expected. He would put up a new version for us to test and the company Slack
would degenerate into ridiculous recordings and exclamations of joy. And always, we
had Markus (and the voice of Matt Lange in our ear) saying MORE DISTORTION.
Would you believe that 128dB gain on the Smoosh button was a compromise?
Ruina Versio is unapologetically digital. It’s 10hp, unlike our small, simple, analog ones
we were doing in 2019. But it is, if you will excuse the term, badass and hardcore. It’s
more distortion than we’ve ever dreamed of putting together, but it’s more fun than we
expected it would ever be. Enjoy.
Special Thanks
All the people who asked for stereo distortions, and especially Dave Skipper.
Matt Lange for being our distortion inspiration, always.