Algorithm: VO
Kaegi, Werner, and Stan Tempelaars. "Vosim-a new sound synthesis system."
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 26.6 (1978): 418-425.
e VO algorithm is roughly based off of the VOSIM algorithm which I
discovered while reading Curtis Roads’s epic
. is algorithm
amplitude modulates a carrier by an exponential to create a more complex
harmonic structure. e simplest carrier is a sinusoid which produces a
spectrum with a Gaussian distribution centered on the carrier. More
complicated waveforms produce Gaussians around each harmonic,
producing spectra similar to comb ltered noise.
- changes the waveform of oscillator A
- sets the decay constant on oscillator B relative to its period
- phase modulates oscillator A by oscillator B
- sets the wave fold threshold on the nal wave folder
Pitch A is the fundamental frequency of the carrier. Pitch B is the retrigger
frequency of the exponential decay.
Roads, Curtis. Microsound. MIT press, 2004.
Noise Engineering
Loquelic Iteritas
Complex Digital Oscilator