JMP (Jump):
Quickly changes delay line length, for
audible and fast changes.
Patch Tutorial
First patches:
For your first patch, use a simple, short sound, like a pulse,
snare, or click. Patch to In L, and patch Out L and R to your
mixer. Set the Blend, Index, and Tone controls to 12 o’clock
to start, and play with Regen, Size, Dense, and LIM/DST/
SHM to get an idea of what DV is all about.
Use the Tone control to shape the reverb to your liking, and
use the Index and Speed controls to add some movement
to your reverb.
Hold the FSU button to create an epic wall of sound.
Try patching a CV signal from a sequencer or other
modulation source to Size. Play with the BND/LRP/JMP
switch to hear the different ways the reverb can be
modulated externally.
Unpatch your input, and turn Regen past 12 o’clock. DV will start to self oscillate. Use
the front panel controls to manipulate the tones it generates. Drop it back to fully left to
stop the self oscillation.
Simple delay:
Set Blend, Tone, and Index to 12 o’clock, Regen to 10 o’clock, and dense fully
counterclockwise. Play with Size, LIM/DST/SHM, and Tone to shape your delay.
Kick ducker:
Patch a kick (or other percussive sound) to the input, and turn regen fully clockwise. Set
Blend to 12 o’clock and the other parameters to taste. Each kick will duck the reverb,
creating a rhythmic ambience.
Instant IDM:
Patch a modulation source like Clep Diaz to the Size parameter and set the lower
switch to LRP or JMP. Play with the rest of the parameters to get some ridiculous delay