Scene Activation Mode (Advanced Mode)
As mentioned above, in order to enjoy the 16 scenes of the Octan Remote, you can use
Scene Activation Mode and LUA script.
We’re working with Vera’s team to make this feature more user-friendly and
convenient in the shortest time. Do not hesitate to contact our technical support and
the one of Vera if you have questions.
To activate the “Scene Activation” mode, you will need to do the following steps
Add configuration parameter to the Octan
Ask the VeraEdge to apply your configuration
Fix a known VeraEdge bug with some LUA script. Indeed, natively the VeraEdge
doesn’t extract the right Scene ID, so you must get it using Script.
Add configuration parameter
Select the Octan Remote in the “Devices” menu and then click on the menu called
“Device Options”.