• Pref. input method
Select input method and press OK.
• Display
Wallpaper-----Set the wallpaper
LCD backlight –adjust the Brightness and time(sec)
• Flight mode
You can choose Normal mode or Flight mode
6.9.2 Profile
You can choose General/Silent/Meeting/Headset/outdoor
6.9.3 SOS Setting
1 Status: select On, then SOS is open.
2.Family Numbers: Set 5 SOS number in Family Numbers, and saved them.
3. SOS SMS ON/OFF. Select SOS SMS ON, then you can also send SMS
to these 5 numbers.
4. SOS SMS: Edit your SOS info and saved.
5. Warning Tone. Select the SOS Warning Tone on /off
Attention: You should open this function if you want to use it. When
you slide open SOS red button, it will call up to 5 numbers one by one
and at the same time send out the SMS to them.
6.9.4 Security setting
1) Phone security: Phone lock, you can set password to lock the phone
or change password
3) Screen auto lock: you can choose Off, means the screen will never
lock, or you can choose 15 secs/30 secs/1 min/5 min