Common sense is the best protection, isn't it? Stay alert - watch what you're
doing, exercise common sense, and do not operate the heat gun when you're
tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or strong medication.
NB #1:
Extreme care should be taken when stripping paint. The peelings, residue,
and vapors of paint may contain lead, which is poisonous. Any pre-1992 paint may
contain lead, and paint applied to homes prior to 1970 is likely to contain lead.
Once deposited on surfaces, hand-to-mouth contact can result in ingestion of
Exposures to even low levels of lead can cause irreversible brain and nervous
system damage; young and unborn children are particularly vulnerable. Before
beginning paint removal, determine whether the paint contains lead at your local
health department or by a professional using a paint analyzer. Lead based paint
should only be removed by a professional and should not be removed using a heat
NB #2:
NoCry Work & Safety Gear and the manufacturer shall not be liable for any
changes made to the tool, nor for any damage resulting from such changes.
How to switch the heat gun on/off
To switch it on
, push the on-off switch to the position “I” or “II”. Some smoke may
be emitted after switching it on for the first time, but no worries - that is called
burn-in smoke, and does not indicate a problem.
To switch it off
, push the on-off switch to the position “O”.