Identifying the installed firmware
In order to determine if there is a newer version of firmware available for
any of your clock components, you will need to first determine the current
versions. This chapter provides instructions for identifying the firmware
version of each clock system component.
Identifying clock firmware
Unplug the power cable from the left rear of the clock. Wait a moment and
then plug it back in. As part of the clock’s startup messages, it will display
the firmware version as "Vxx-xx" where xx-xx is the current firmware
Identifying GPS repeater firmware
Disconnect the power from the GPS repeater, either by unplugging the AC
adapter from the wall outlet or by unplugging the other end of the power
cord from the GPS repeater, whichever will give you a better view of the
clock. Wait a few moments and reconnect the GPS repeater’s power. The
clock display will show a series of messages, one of which will be "NEX xx"
where xx indicates the GPS repeater’s current firmware version.
Note: The clock must be running firmware V08-01 or newer
the GPS
repeater must be a next-generation model (V31 or newer) in order
to display this information. Failure to display messages from the
repeater does not identify which of the clock, GPS repeater, or
both is out of date.
Note: The repeater firmware also displays the version on the repeater’s
IND LED at power-on. For example, three red blinks followed by
six green blinks would indicate firmware V36.
Identifying keyfob firmware
Press and hold both the up and down buttons on the keyfob simultaneously
until the clock reports the keyfob version. This will happen within 10
seconds. The clock will display a message of the form "F# x-x" where #
indicates the keyfob’s current address (0-7) and x-x indicates the keyfob’s
firmware version.
Note: The clock must be running firmware V08-01 or newer in order to
perform this function.
Note: The same up + down procedure will also display the keyfob version
number on the keyfob LED. For example, one red blink followed
by four green blinks would indicate version V14.