Check your soldering that there are no bridges or dry joints.
Check that the external power supply is able to supply the power needed
to achieve the high voltage: check that the VIN voltage is stable and not
Temporarily connect the LDR and re-test.
Temporarily connect the button and do a factory reset
Mounting the 28 pin socket
Mounting the 28 pin socket can be a
little difficult. A good trick is to fix it
in place with a small piece of tape,
and the solder one leg in place. You
can hold the socket firm while you
“wet” the solder again, which will
hold the socket firmly enough to
solder the remaining pins. One leg is
usually enough to hold the socket in
place while you solder the others.
At the end of the high voltage circuit build, your board should look like this:
Mounting 28 pin socket
High Voltage Circuit