Always grind your coffee immedia-
tely before brewing to retain the
full aroma.
Tap the machine gently a cou-
ple of times before removing the
full ground coffee container – this
ensures that any ground coffee
left in the grinding mechanism
falls down into the container befo-
re it is removed.
fill the ground coffee
container over the “max.” mark.
Excess ground coffee can be
sucked back up into the grinding
mechanism, cause overheating
and damage the machine!
Do not grind for longer than
3 minutes without a break, as this
causes the machine parts to heat
up and some of the coffee aroma
will be lost.
If you find the coffee produced
by your coffee machine too thin,
or that it runs through too quickly,
select a finer grinder setting. If
the brewing process is too slow,
select a coarser setting.
Dark, oily beans require a grinder
setting 1 or 2 levels coarser.
If you clean your machine regularly,
it will last a long time. Please note
that you should clean your machine
more regularly if you use dark, oily
coffee beans than if you use light,
drier coffee beans.
Always unplug the machine be-
fore cleaning.
Never put water or other liquids
in the machine!
Remove the bean container and
clean the grinding chamber below
as often as possible with a paint-
brush or similar tool to prevent oily
coffee residues from building up
(to do this, please remove the upper
part of the grinding mechanism,
holding it by the rubber seal).
Please clean the seal between
the bean container and grinding
mechanism using a paintbrush or
similar tool.
Clean the outside of the machi-
ne with a damp cloth – please
ensure that all machine parts are
clean and dry before the next use.
You can remove the bean con-
tainer and ground coffee container
... Helpful tips and notes