In addition to the wall clearances, the floor
must also be given special consideration. The
heater must be placed on a noncombustible
floor system of at least the size specified in
Figure 4
. The noncombustible floor may be a
typical concrete basement floor at least four
(4) inches thick.
For Models with the Extension
Follow the clearances and
NONCOMBUSTIBLE wall requirements as
shown in “Safe Wood Stove Installation with
6", 8" or 12" Extension”. This will apply to
10” Extensions as well.
Page 4
With the heater being installed in a
closed area, like a sauna, you must
provide for enough fresh air to assure
proper combustion. Install two (2) 6” x
9” grilles in the sauna. One near the
heater and one near the ceiling
opposite the heater. This will provide
enough air to ventilate the sauna and
supply the heater.