5. After selecting “Activate”, you should see something similar to the image below. Your
device is now active, as evident by the "Active" status. You may add a “Nickname” if you
like, but it is not required.
For any additional questions regarding using the
portal, please refer to the
3.2.4. Soldered-Down Verizon eSIM
The NL-SW-LTE-QBG96 modem has the ability to select between the soldered-down Verizon
eSIM or the SIM card slot. By default, the modem is configured to attempt to use the SIM card
slot. However, users can select which SIM the modem is using by controlling the onboard SIM
selection switch with AT commands. Please see
for more details on configuring
the modem to use the soldered-down eSIM.
3.3. Setting-Up the Modem and the NL-SWDK
3.3.1. Attaching the QBG96 Modem to the NL-SDWK
To mount your QBG96 modem follow the steps listed below. Please reference the diagram
shown below if you are unsure of any of the subsequent steps.
1. Gather the following:
a. Skywire Development Kit board
b. Skywire Modem (QBG96 Modem)
2. If you are using a SIM card and it has been activated, please insert the SIM card into the
SIM card slot J3, located on the bottom of the Skywire modem.
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