3. Carefully seat your Skywire into the board’s Skywire socket U1. Take care to ensure that
the pins are correctly aligned. Failure to properly align the pins may damage your
Skywire. The side of the module with the U.FL connectors should be closest to the edge
of the SWDK.
4. Line up your Skywire’s cellular U.FL connectors on the side of the board closest to the
SMA connector. Always insert and remove the U.FL connector with a force
perpendicular to the board. There are two U.FL connectors, labeled X1 and X3. Attach
the U.FL cable to connector X1 on the Skywire.
5. If you are intending to use a separate GPS antenna, you will need an external U.FL to
SMA cable (not included in the NL-SWDK). Otherwise, you may disregard this step.
Connector X3 is available for a GPS antenna. If you have an external U.FL to SMA
cable, attach the U.FL end to connector X3 and the SMA end to the GPS antenna.
3.3.2. Attaching the Antenna to the Baseboard
Screw the antenna into the SMA connector in a clockwise direction as shown in the image
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