Quick Guide
Thermal Printer
A�er installing the driver, the configura�on screen will open where
we will have to choose the printer, where we will choose the one of
80mm and the connec�on between USB, COM and Ethernet. In this
quick guide. We explain how to install the printer by USB, which is
the most common op�on.
When you connect the windows printer, you will have been assigned
a "USB00x" port (the "x" symbolizes the number assigned by the ope-
ra�ng system to the printer). We chose that port that if there are more
printers by USB, it will be the highest number of "USB00x". Then if we
want we can change the name of the printer and name it as it is easier
for a later configura�on with the management so�ware that you want
to use. Click on "Install", accept the following sign that indicates that it
has been installed and we give "exit" on the screen that had been in
the background. Now the printer is ready to start working.
We choose the "Device configura�on" tab, in the
image you can see the drop down where you can choose be-
tween par�al cut or total cut or no cut at the end of the do-
cument or at the end of the page.
Drawer opening selec�on
In prin�ng preferences in the "General" tab we make click
on "Preferences ..." and in the next panel in the tab
"Paper / Quality". In the sec�on "Medium" you can choose
the drawer "Cashdrawer 1" and tell him to open it before
or a�er the Print..
Configure drawer cut and open
To configure the cut we have to go to prin�ng preferences in
the Printers and Devices sec�on of the opera�ng system and
that will open this panel: