Burnishing System
Service Manual – PBU Propane Floor Burnisher
• Burnishing pad turns
• Machine seems
When the drive belt slips
the pad will rotate slower
than normal. Even though
this doesn’t actually affect
the engine, it can seem
like the engine has lost
• Inspect the drive belt for glazing (smooth glassy
surface on the tapered faces). Replace the drive
belt if glazed.
• Inspect the belt tensioner for proper operation,
and that the drive belt appears to be properly
tensioned. Clean or replace the tensioner if it
cannot maintain proper belt tension.
• If so equipped, inspect the drive clutch for
slipping. See below for more details.
For clutch-equipped
machines, the burnishing
pad does not engage, is
slow to engage, sporadic,
or turns slowly.
A problem with the clutch
will present itself with
one of these symptoms.
Either the clutch is faulty
or it is not getting a proper
electrical connection.
• See below for troubleshooting.
Clutch Circuit Troubleshooting
1 Check that the battery voltage is at least 12 volts If
below 12 volts, troubleshoot the battery and charging
system first.
2 Disconnect the clutch cable connector and measure
the resistance of the coil If the resistance is outside
of the range of 2 5 to 3 1 ohms, replace the coil
3 Next, check for an open circuit with the key switch in
the on-position and the clutch switch engaged This
can be completed with the clutch cable unplugged for
easier access to voltage test points. You should find:
• 12 volts between the 2 contacts in the clutch
• 12 volts between either connector at the clutch
switch and a chassis ground point
4 Reconnect the clutch connector and look for a high
resistance path (excessive voltage drop) Repeat
clutch connected. If any of the voltages are significantly lower
than the previous measurements, there is a poor or corroded
connection in the wiring
5 If no electrical problems were found, remove the clutch as
described on page 13
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