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Frequency (7)
Adjust this control to match the characteristics of the main speakers. For applications where
full-range signals are sent to the subwoofer, the 100 Hz Normal setting will usually produce the
best results. If the main speakers are compact, their more limited lower frequency range may
necessitate a higher subwoofer frequency setting. For systems with large, full range main speakers
that can reproduce deep bass, lowering the frequency setting may be desirable. If the audio
source (A/V surround pre-amp, processor or receiver) is equipped with a bass management/bass
re-direction function that includes low pass filtering for the Sub output (which is almost always the
case), set the Frequency control on the Niles Subwoofer to Bypass to prevent cascaded low pass
Phase (8)
Depending on the subwooofer’s physical placement and the acoustical characteristics of the main
speakers, achieving optimal blend may necessitate phase adjustment. Upon initial installation and
setup, set the control to the 0° (in-phase) position, and listen to a variety of program material,
including music selections as well as movie soundtracks. Experiment by adjusting the Phase
control in small increments until the best combination of low bass sound quality and matching
(blending) with the main speakers is achieved.
Level (9)
Initially set the control to the lowest position, and while listening to music and film content, slowly
adjust the control upward until an even bass response is achieved. Many A/V receivers and
surround processors include a built-in noise generator for channel level balancing, and by using
a sound pressure level meter, it’s possible to quickly find the optimum subwoofer level setting.
When using an SPL meter to match subwoofer output level with the main speakers, it’s important
to make measurements at the principal listening position. The 0dB setting (mid-point) is often the
best setting, and further subwoofer channel level fine-tuning adjustments can be made via the A/V
surround processor or receiver’s channel level adjustment control.