Niles Audio Corporation
12331 S.W. 130 Street Miami, Florida, 33186 Tel: (305) 238-4373 Fax: (305) 238-0185
©2003 Niles Audio Corporation. All rights reserved. Niles, the Niles logo and IntelliPad are registered trademarks of Niles Audio Corporation.
Because we strive to improve our products, Niles reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. The technical and other
information contained herein is not intended to set forth all technical and other specifications of Niles products. Additional information can
be obtained on-line at www.nilesaudio.com or by calling Niles at 1-800-289-4434. Printed in China 10/03 DS00346ACN
The TS-1 BKT includes holes for cable ties to secure TS-1 cabling. Position the cable away from
the cutout prior to drywall installation to avoid damaging the cables when the opening is rout-
ed. Ensure six inches of available cable length for connection to the TS-1 when securing cable.
A rectangular opening 4” high and 4-3/4“ wide is made in the drywall prior to installing the TS-1.
This device must be installed in accordance with local building codes.
Figure 3
TS-1 Installation