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Содержание Nikonos Speedlight SB-103

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Страница 2: ...Nikon hrrKcnuos Speedlight INSTRUCTION MANUAL EI ...

Страница 3: ...e Battery companies usually imprint the manufacturing codeand timeof manufacture on theirbatteries Please readthe sectionentitled Optimum BatteryPerformance on Page24 DO NOTMIXNICDBATTERIES Do notmix brandsof NiCdbatteries andconfirm that the batteries you are usingwere madein the samemanufacturing batch Do not use NiCdbatteries whichhavebeenchargedfor differentlengthsof time lf the workingtime of...

Страница 4: ... Joint plate Arm positioningscrew Jointknob Arm positioningindex Armknob Exposure calculation chart Speedlightplug and lockingring Camera plug and lockingring Cord fastening hanger O rings andlubricant Firingtube parallelindexes Exposurecalculationchart nsnltso filmspeedscale Distance scale for underwater photography ...

Страница 5: ...ort 17 TTLAutomoticFloshConfrol lT 18 MonuolFloshConlrol 19 ExposureCompensotion 20 Reody Light 20 21 CordFostening Honger 22 Wide FloshAdopterSW 403 22 Multiple Flosh Photogrophy 22 23 Doylight Fill ln Flosh Photogrophy 23 TIPSONSPEEDTIGHI PHOTOGRAPHY 24 OPTIMUM BATTERVPERFORMANCE 24 CAUTIONS 25 ACCESSOR ES 26 ExtensionArm 26 DoubleFloshBrocket 26 DoubleSyncCord 26 O ringsondLubriconi 26 SPEC F C...

Страница 6: ...earsof rewarding photographic experiences STOP READ THISNOTICE BEFORE USING YOUR SB 1O3 THEO RING SEALS MUST BEEXAMINED ANDLUBRICATED BEFORE USETOAVOID DAMAGING THESPEEDLIGHT This NikonosSpeedlight SB 103usesO ringsto seal and waterproofthe junctions between parts Your NikonosSpeedlight SB 103shouldnot be considered waterproof untilyou haveexaminedthe O rings one eachforthebattery chamber cap 0 th...

Страница 7: ... lubricant smallhairsmayfallintothechannel andallowwater to entertheflashunit Whilelubricating eachO ring examine it withyourfingertips for imperfections lf anO ring is properly lubricated it willglisten andwill Fig 1 not have gobs of lubricanton it To ensurethe longest possible flashunitlife applylubricant when evernecessary Lubrication protects theO rings from excessive wear it alsomakesit easie...

Страница 8: ...antare availablefrom authorizedNikon dealers andservice centers TheO ringsand theirsealingmethod ThemethodusedbytheO rings to sealandwaterproof theflashunitisshowninthefollowing illustrations Whena low levelof pressure exists for instance just under thewater s surface eachO ring seals itschannel byitsownelastic force seeChartA Whenthepressure increases at greaterdepths the O ring sshape is altered...

Страница 9: ...gethe flashunit Also do nol leavebatteries installedwhenthe flash unit is not being used it may cause the batteriesto explode t Donotdropordamagethebatterycartridge oUseonlyonebrandor typeof batteryat any given time When replacing batteries re placeall sixat thesametime oWarning Batteriesmay be hot when you removethem handlecarefully Useof manganese batteriesis not recom mended Check proper batter...

Страница 10: ...e ioint collar be surethe flatedgesof theiointplate remainparallelto the flat edgesof the ioint Loosenthe joint knob O Lockthejoint Aligntheflashheadpositioning index withthe normal position markon theflashheadpositioning scale thenturnthejointknobclock wiseuntilthejointis lockedinposi tion See page 15 for information about removing the joint lO_Loosen thejoint ItYr levgr Turnthe joint lever count...

Страница 11: ...etwobracket positioning pinson the bottomof the grip will be visible lE Attochthe brockef rvr u fo theorm Slidethe open end of the bracket between thearmknobandthegrip seat the two bracket positioning pinsin thetwo indentations on the bracket and turn the arm knob clockwise asfar as it willgoto lock thebracketintoposition oThecorrectarm bracketoosition is withthe three washers on the underside of ...

Страница 12: ...o not apply excessiveforce to the sync cord scameraplug and asmuchaspossib e avoidtwistingthecord Nikonos Vor Nikonos lV A tB i t til 1 3jf l i i i 3 iliri i l 20 Removethe synchro sockel cover Turn thesynchro socKet covercoun terclockwise thenPullituP tll Connectthe sync rr cord to lhe SB 103 Remove the dust proof Plasticcap fromthesynccord s speedlight plug black locking ring Insert the speedlig...

Страница 13: the shutterspeeddial to A when using theNikonos lll settheshutter speed dialto 1 60sec When usingeitherthe Nikonos V or NikonoslV A the proper syn chronization soeed 1 9Osec will be automaticallyset when the SB 103 s shooting modeselector oowerswitchisturnedon zfi Selectonf slopfrom rneexposure cqlculotionchorf Selectan aperturefromthe range ofaoertures thatcanbeusedatthe existingflash to subje...

Страница 14: ...e 58 703 when using the NikonoslV 4 the red viewfinderLEDturnsoff For informationabout the variousshooting modes seepages 16to 17 6 f XL i 15 7 IF t l J J 7 Woilforfhe reody r light fo light As soon as the flash ready light lights the SB 103 is readyto fire Except forNikonos lll ifthecamera you are using has a viewfinder ready light it will lightwhen the SB 103 is completelyrecycled Notethat with ...

Страница 15: ...distance aperture combination selectedor move closerto the subject if necessary This warning is a so indicatedby the viewfinderreadyJightof the Nikonos V O Turn off the floshunil t t To conservebattery power between shooting sessions turnthe shooting mode selector power switchon the speedlight to OFF cTurningthe shooting mode selector power switch off between sesslons will also help preventbattery...

Страница 16: ...ked tightly Toattachthe arm to the bracket turnthe arm knob counterclockwise asfaras itwillgoto loosen it thetwo bracketpositioning pinsonthebottomof thegrip will be visible Slidethe openend of the bracketbetween Nikonos lll Nikonos Vor Nikonos lV A the arm knobandthe grip seatthe two bracketposi tioning pinsinthetwo indentations on the bracket and turnthe arm knobclockwise as far as it willgo to ...

Страница 17: ...t up Removethe dust proof plastic cap from the sync cord s speedlight plug black locking ring Insert thespeedlight plugintothesynchro socketafteraligning the synchrosocketindex with the redindexon thespeedlight plug Whenthespeed lightplugis inserted turnitslocking ringclockwise as farasitwillgotosecure theplug Neversubmergethe speedlight in water with the synchro socket cover removedor get the syn...

Страница 18: modeselector power switchhasfiveclick stopsettings Theshooting modesthatcanbeusedwith specific cameras arelisted above OFF position Thespeedlight is turnedoff whenthe switchis set at thisoosition TTL position TTL through the lens Automatic FlashMode Thismode whichcanbe usedonlyin conjunction with theNikonos V camera automatically controls theflash exposure Through The Lens TTL In this mode the...

Страница 19: the useable aper turesare from tl2 Bto f122 whenusingASA lSO100 film although theactualrangefor a specific shooting situation dependsuponthe flash to subject distance the ASA lSOfilm speed the typeof photography on landor underwater andwhether or notthewide flash adapter isbeingused Theactualrangesfor specificsituations can be easily determined withtheexoosure calculation chart Example...

Страница 20: ... if thecorrect aperture whenusing ASA lSO 50 TTL Auto ShootingRange filmis tl2 B thecorrectaperture whenusingASA lSO 64 filmis Il2 Bolusone third onethirdcloserIo Il4 Likewise if theaperture showninthechartis f 11 the correctaperture is f 11plusonethird onethirdcloser tof l6 IntheTTLautomatic mode theSB 103 s useable ASA ISOfilm speedrangeis from ASA ISO25 lo 400 its useableaperturerangeis from Il...

Страница 21: ...Ithecorresponding on land GNs GuideNumbersin the ManualMode The valuesin parentheses are whenthe Wide Flash Adapter SW103is beingused The fullamountof lightis emittedwhenthe shootingmodeselector is at MFULL lf theshooting distance changed to 3m g Aft butyou stillwanted to use MFULL youwouldhaveto usean intermediate aperture setting between f 5 6andf 8 Todetermine thecorrectf stopwithoutusingtheexp...

Страница 22: ...control 2 1 0 t 2 z3 25 50 1 0 0 50 25 50 1 0 0 200 1 0 0 25 50 1 0 0 200 400 200 50 1 0 0 200 400 400 100 200 400 Reody Light Afterits powerswitchis turnedon the ready light on theSB 103 willlightto indicate thatthespeedlight has recycledand is readyto fire lf you are usingeither a Nikonos V or NikonoslV Acamera its viewfinder ready light will also lightat the same time to let you knowthespeedlig...

Страница 23: ...wing situations 1 Whenthe shutterspeed mode selectordial of the Nikonos V issetto M90 ilgOsec or B ButO 2 WhentheNikonos lV Aisbeingused 3 Whenthesynccordisnotsecurely connected to the Nikonos V 4 When the ASA ISOfilm speed settingdial of the Nikonos V issetto beyond ASA lSO 400 Cameraand SpeedlightReady Lightsl Nikonos V A 1 1000 to 1 3 0 TTL Lights Lightsor blinks2 Doesnot light A 1 1000 ro 1 30...

Страница 24: ...datthesametime Whenshooting with a Nikonos V eitherthe TTL modeor one of the manualmodescan be selected when shootingwith a Nikonos lV A or lll onlymanual operation ispossible The flashheadmountedon the arm that is next to the camera sfilm advancelevercan be mountedeitheras shownin Photo 1 or as in Photo2 lf you decideto useonly one speedlightin the TTLautomaticflash mode turn off the speedlightwh...

Страница 25: ...itch to the same position for example M1 4 Tousethemat different posltlons firstcalculatethecombined GN from the equation formula above then determine the correct aDerturefrom thecombinedGN DoylightFill ln Phologrophy Whenshooting in daylight a backlitsubjectmaycome outalmostasa silhouette ifthebackground iscorrectly exposed lf on theotherhand exposure compensation ismadetocorrectly expose thesubj...

Страница 26: ...Temperature Battery liferatings arebased onoperation ataround 20 C 68 F At other temperatures battery life is shortened Sparebatteries shouldtherefore be kept available if operation in low temperatures is anticipated 3 Continuoususe Batteries are drainedmuch morequicklyby con tinuous usethanby intermittent use 4 Storage Whennot in use the batteries shouldbe removed to preventleakage whichmaydamage...

Страница 27: ...insidethe flashunit take it with the batteries andbatterychambercap removed to an autho rizedNikondealeror servicecenterimmediately lf youexperience difficulty of an electrical nature with the unit neverattemptto disassemble or serviceit yourself Instead take the unit to an authorized Nikondealeror servicecenter 7 As muchas possible avoidremoving the battery chambercap nearsaltywindor splashing wa...

Страница 28: ...nos V manualflashoperation is possible withthe Nikonos V lV A andlll Forinformation see Multiple FlashPhotography onpage22 s I w w DoubleFlashBracket Thisaccessory allowstwoflashunitsto be mounted on the cameraat onetime thereby doubling the amount of flashillumination available Thisbracket isespecially useful during close up shooting because it enables the subject to be evenlyilluminated fromthe ...

Страница 29: ...y Dimensions Weight without batteries Angle of Coverage recharging UseableRanges Alkaline manganese 130flaishes minimum aDorox 9sec TTL ASA lSO filmspeed coupling range ASA lSO 25to400 useable aperture range f 2 8to t122 al ASA lSO 100 coupling distance range O 3m 1ft to 7m zgtt atASA lSO 100onland 0 3m r tt tog 5m 11 5ft at ASA rso 100underwater 6kg cm2 851lb in2 maximum useable to depths of 50m ...
