EXPEED image-pocessing system
Superior image processing relies on one
simple truth: no shortcuts. Nikon knows that
in order to deliver the
most practical and
versatile performance
p o s s i b l e , i m a g e
quality, accuracy and
speed must be treated as equal partners of
equal importance. Nikon has a name for this
uniquely comprehensive approach: EXPEED.
What started at the birth of the film camera
and progressed with the digital SLR
D1 has now evolved into an elite imaging
system that is
far more powerful
than the
present standards of any other camera maker.
This unrivaled process is extremely fast and
comprehensive, yet is extremely energy
efficient giving longer battery life.
Nikon's FX-format sensor produces an
incredibly wide dynamic range, with rich
initial data that maintains its integrity through
14-bit A/D conversion. As professional
photographers demand the smoothest tonal
gradation and faithful color reproduction, no
shortcut will do. So, to maintain impeccable
accuracy, the D3 uses 16-bit data transmission
throughout the image-processing pipeline. The
resulting output reveals breathtaking details
and subtleties, putting D3 images in a class of
their own.
The D3 controls color hue with unmatched
accuracy, so specific colors that were
previously impossible to achieve together in
a particular image can now coexist in nearly
any situation. Colors are faithful throughout
the palette – skin tones are pleasingly
saturated without blowing out the reds, while
blues that were once difficult to reproduce
can now be considered standard. Expect this
throughout the spectrum, with less tone jump
than ever before.
High-megapixel sensors tend to produce
chromatic aberration in the peripheral areas.
To achieve the sharpest images throughout
the frame, the D3 uses an automatic lateral
chromatic aberration reduction function.
This means new benchmarks in minimized
aberration and maximized accuracy seen in the
images below. It's an advantage you'll gain no
matter what NIKKOR lenses you use.
The D3's dynamic range has broadened to
such an extent that you can expect finer
tonal gradation in highlight areas – even
with extremely bright subject matter, such as
skies, snowfall or white clothing shot under
harsh sunlight. And thanks to more accurate
treatment of data, tone jump that was once
likely to occur with a broadened dynamic
range is now negligible.
14-bit A/D conversion and 16-bit image-processing pipeline
-bit image processing – a new way to get the right look
-bit A/D conversion,
Nikon's new EXPEED image-processing system, utilizing a supremely powerful
CPU with 14-bit A/D conversion and 16-bit image-processing pipeline
Faithful colors, pleasingly saturated throughout the palette, with smooth tonal
gradations, even in highlights
Unprecedented final image quality that needs little or no post-production
14-bit A/D conversion and 16-bit data transmission throughout the process offer an incredibly high signal-to-noise ratio.
Even with a scene containing a large difference in brightness,
smooth tonal gradation is reproduced.
EXPEED: Nikon's comprehensive
approach to quality digital images
14-bit A/D conversion and 16-bit
image-processing pipeline
Lateral chromatic aberration
Pleasingly saturated, faithful colors
12-channel parallel readout
14-bit A/D conversion
16-bit image processing
• Lens: AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, 1/250 second, f/16 • White balance: Cloudy • Sensitivity: ISO 200 • Picture Control: Standard
©Joe McNally
Improved tonal gradation
Chromatic aberration reduction (peripheral area enlarged)