Scene Mode
Voice recording (
Create a digital audio recording.
Panorama assist (
Use when taking a series of pic-
tures that will later be joined to-
gether in PictureProject to form
a panorama.
* Other modes can be selected.
Panorama Assist
Flash mode (
18), the self-timer (
20), and macro close-up (
21) can be adjusted
after the pan direction is selected. Once the fi rst shot in each series is taken, the pan
direction, zoom, fl ash mode, macro close-up, and image mode (
59) can not be ad-
justed nor pictures deleted until the series is complete.
Panoramas are easier to compose if the camera is mounted on a tripod.
See the Appendix for information on how panoramas are stored (
Back light
Use when light is coming from behind a portrait subject,
throwing their features into shadow. The fl ash fi res au-
tomatically to “fi ll in” (illuminate) shadows.