Congratulations with your new Nihola Bike.
We hope that you will have many good experiences with your
new Nihola Bike. We ask you to read this manual carefully before using your new Nihola Bike.
On Youtube you will find a video about Nihola Family. We also recommend you watch this video, which
shows how to use Nihola Family very well:
search on
"Nihola service manual"
If you are insecure about anything before use, please contact Nihola Bicycles (
Nihola dealer before using the Nihola Bike.
Before you use the bike in public traffic,
you must practice and become familiar with the bike in a place
where there is no traffic, where the road is even and without falls or rises. If you want to use the bike for
people, dogs or cargo transport, you must also practice this weight before using the bike in public traffic.
Become familiar with brakes, gears, perhaps the electrical system and how the bike reacts before you use
the bike on a public road, both with and without weight. Always practice to make a complete and safe stop
with load before using the Nihola bike in public traffic.
If there are other users of the Nihola Bike, this manual must also be read by these users - before using the
Nihola Bike. It is the owner of Nihola Bike who is responsible for this.
When you receive your new Nihola Bike, we recommend that you save your purchase receipt somewhere
where you easily can find it again, also after a lot of years. You must use this receipt with the purchase price
and frame number at any possibly resale or if your Nihola Bike has been stolen.
If your frame number doesn’t appear on the purchase invoice, you must contact your dealer so it is noted
and archived correctly.
You find the frame number on the top of the frame saddle tube (on the top of the frame where the
seatpost is mounted in the frame).
If your Nihola Bike is equipped with an electric motor, the manual for the electric system is supplied
separately in paper form. This manual must also be read before using the electrical system. You can always
get this manual by contacting
Every time and before you use the Nihola Bike you need to make sure:
-The brakes are fully functional and adjusted properly
-That tire pressure is correct (5 bar is recommended pressure for Schwalbe Marathon plus tire)
-The braces and buckles for passenger transport are functional and adjusted correctly
-There is no noise or blur from the gears, wheels or steering system
Use of the bike and the good advices:
Keep your spare keys a place where you easily can find them. If you lose a set, get an extra set right
away at your local locksmith. It can be complicated and very expensive to get new keys if both sets are lost.
Parking brake.
Always used when parking the bike. Activation: Pull in the brake lever and push the small
lever on the brake - hold the small grip in and then release the brake lever.
Approved lock.
When the approved lock (mounted on the rear frame) is used, pay attention to the spokes
in the rear wheel, because they can be bent if the bicycle is moved when it is locked. If only two spokes are