times. Last, I'll add a 20 minute cool down. Because I
can input all of these items in ONE workout, it's a
great training tool for coxswains for warm-up
management and sticking to the workout plan.
Meanwhile, when I am coaching I can see all of the
readings from the launch, so I know exactly how the
cox is doing as the workout progresses, and I can
give him/her feedback to stay on top of it.
Note: Your unit comes with five pre-programmed
workouts. Try them out to get a feeling for all of the
different kinds of pieces you can monitor and
execute with the XL.
Other Uses
Rigging evaluation:
Trying to decide if you should
load those oars up another centimeter? Maybe next
season's crew averages 10 pounds lighter and is
significantly shorter. Use the XL to determine the
optimal rigging set-up and corresponding stroke
rate target for your crew.
Multiple Boats:
How cool that a coach can monitor
up to nine boats at a time. I can't even think of a
national team coach that needs more than that!
Seat Racing:
If you pre-program seat racing pieces
into the workout menu, the XL can manage the
pieces (ensuring that the rest time is equal) and
provide feedback for the actual pieces themselves.
Again, you can use any or all of the options for
pieces: distance, time and strokes.
Memory/Software,did anyone say,"Training Log?"
The XL showcases its flexibility again in the memory
portion of the "Just Row" menu.You can set the unit to
record in "distance," "time" or "strokes." For a 2k piece,
I'd likely use "distance" intervals of "100m." Paging
through 100m at a time would give me a ton of info:
how well we started, how the splits adjusted as we
stepped down to race pace,how well we sustained our
speed, and how well we pushed for the line. For long
steady state rows, "time" might be a better option.
There, my crew might want to see the splits every few
minutes, again with the goal of maintaining a steady
speed and stroke rate. But say in another practice
we're working specifically on starts-really trying to
analyze how effective our first 10 strokes are. Now I'd
set it to "strokes" with intervals of "1 stroke." We might
then do a series of 10 stroke starts, focusing on
different things for each one.Then we could page back
through the splits and compare them.
The SpeedCoach XL software, when released, will
work identically to the current Speed Coach Gold
software. Over the years, the coaches I've worked
with have found the software to be incredibly
helpful. Not only can you print out entire workouts
instantaneously, but now you'll have a detailed
and accurate log that includes speed/pace
readings, stroke rate, heart rate, elapsed time, etc.
Side Notes
Remember that wind and waves are factors in boat
speed. In a headwind speed and pace splits will be
slower. Conversely, they'll be faster in a tailwind up to
a point. And of course, if the water is rough, you're
typically going to go slower. Take all of these into
account when setting split/speed goals for workouts.
When doing interval work, or any short race level
pieces where you want to compare them to one
another: make sure that your boat is up to speed
by the beginning of the piece. This way, your
comparisons will be accurate.
Final Words of Advice
Use the SpeedCoach XL and your brain
simultaneously. Don't become so reliant on the
SpeedCoach XL readings alone that you fail to feel
how you're moving the boat. You can pull great
splits, and still may not be rowing a sustainable
rhythm. True speed is a combination of effective
technique and intelligently applied power. The
SpeedCoach XL is designed to give you direct and
immediate feedback as to how far you are
propelling the boat, stroke rate, and elapsed time.
Your head is attached to your body to remind you
of common sense things. For example, if you use
split targets for racing, make sure the conditions fit
your targets. And of course, if you're pulling the
pre-planned split in a race and find that you're still
behind "Team X" you'll still have to strategize how
to move past them if you want to win!
Enjoy your SpeedCoach XL. If you embrace it, you'll
not only use it, you'll love it. And with the ability to
continuously upgrade the unit you currently own,
it will only keep getting better.
Good Luck and Good Speed!
Yasmin "Yaz" Farooq has been involved in coxing and
coaching for over 20 years. As the coxswain for the US
National Team Women's Eight from 1989-1996, she
competed in the 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games.
Now, as a coxswain coach for high school and collegiate
coxswains and coaches, Yaz works with individuals and
programs. She also races actively on the masters circuit
and coxes and coaches for the Oregon Association of
Rowers masters in Eugene, Oregon. Yaz served as color
commentator for NBC’s telecasts of the Sydney and
Athens Olympics.
* See pages 12-13 for limitations when using a HR monitor with an XL.
NK Rowing Electronics Warranty & Service
NK does not believe in "disposable electronics." We know our products don't lead a pampered life, and we
design them for years of performance in tough conditions. We guarantee every NK product to be free of defects
in materials and workmanship for a period of TWO YEARS from your date of purchase. We will repair or replace
any defective product or part when notified within the warranty period, and will return the product via domestic
ground shipping at no charge. The following issues do not result from a manufacturing defect and are not
covered under this warranty: damage due to improper use or neglect, including corrosion; impact damage;
modifications or attempted repairs by someone other than an authorized NK repair agent; normal wear and tear;
failed batteries.
Please register your product at www.nkhome.com to ensure your full 2-years of warranty.
NK wants you to be an NK customer for life, so we take care of you even beyond the terms of the normal
product warranty with our Customer Care Program. Trade-in any NK display unit, no matter the age or
condition, and receive a generous discount on the replacement product.
p. 13
p. 10, 13
p. 13
Boats in Range
p. 6, 9
p. 11, 12
p. 3, 4, 7, 11, 12
Display Contrast
p. 10,12
Display Settings
p. 10, 12
Distance Units of
Measure- Changing
p. 10
Heart Rate
p. 3, 4, 5, 6, 13
Just Row Mode:
Clear Memory
p. 8
Default Settings
p. 12
Mode Explanation
p. 3,4
Reset Timers
p. 3, 8
Review Memory
p. 8
Set Memory
Type & Interval
p. 8
p. 8
Main Menu
p. 7
Memory Storage
p. 8
Menu Navigation
p. 7
p. 3, 7
PC Interface
p. 12
Radio (Network):
Boat or Coach Mode
p. 5, 6, 7, 10, 12
p. 5, 6, 9, 10, 12
Coaching with (Coach Unit)
p. 5, 6
Group Name
p. 5, 10
Mounting Bracket for Coach Unit
p. 6
Network Explanation
p. 5
Private ID
p. 5, 10, 12
p. 5
Refresh Network
p. 6, 9
Rowing with (Boat Unit)
p. 5
Signal Strength
p. 5, 6
Unit Name
p. 5, 10, 12
Radio Use in Regattas
p. 5
Speed/Pace - Changing
p. 10, 12
Stroke Type
p. 11, 12
System Reset
p. 11
Warranty and Service
p. 16
Workout Mode:
Clear Memory
p. 9
Mode Explanation
p. 3, 4
Review Memory
p. 9
Run Workout
p. 9
Setup/Edit Workout
p. 9
Our Knowledge Center has answers to many common questions, along with tips and tricks for using NK
products. It’s available 24-7 at: www.nkhome.com/knowledgecenter/
For email assistance with the installation or operation of your NK product,
For help with an apparent malfunction, or to arrange or inquire about a repair, write: [email protected].
Or call 800.784.4221 (610.447.1555 outside the USA), Monday through Friday, 9:00 - 5:00 EST.
Need Help?
Please register your product at www.nkhome.com/register/ to ensure your full 2-year warranty.