2. TeMPeRaTURe ConTRol
Gas broilers are equipped with a Broil Temperature Stabilizer Control that senses when the
broiler is being used, and adjusts the temperature to keep the broiler hot during heavy use.
The control consists of two parts - a temperature probe to sense the internal temperature of
the broiler, and the control itself.
3. CalIbRaTInG THe TeMPeRaTURe ConTRol
In order to assure proper operation, the Temperature Control must be set for operation in the restaurant. Follow these
step by step instructions when the broiler is new, and once per month after.
Step 1: Be sure all pieces of the broiler are in place. Make sure the broiler is plugged in and the exhaust hood is turned
on. Turn the broiler on.
Step 2: Set the temperature (bottom number) to 1000º F. Use the up or down arrows on the control to set the tempera-
ture. Leave the broiler at 1000º F for 25 minutes. DO NOT COOK DURING THIS TIME. After the 25 minutes is
up, use the arrows to put the set point to the actual temperature. The bottom number is the set temperature and
the top number is the actual temperature.
C.4 Control operation
If this is the initial start-up for your broiler, ALL control settings must be made according to BURGER KING® specifications. Follow the
steps outlined for calibration and changing preset times.
MaIn sIDe ConTRols
1. seTTInG belT sPeeDs
Press up arrow to increase broil time; press the down
arrow to decrease broil time. After you have set the
control the display will be flashing. Press the center
square to save your changes. NOTE: After making
changes to the broil time, if you do not press the center
square button, your changes will not be saved.
Use the up and down
arrows to set the time.
Press the center
square button to save
your changes.
Nieco Corporation - Model JF64-2G