Changing the emission count (frequency) to double or half
The emission count (frequency) can be changed to double or half of the current setting value using
the key operation on internal oscillation emission.
1) To change the emission count (frequency) to double of the current setting value
Each press of the x2 key changes the emission count (frequency) to double of the current setting
value on internal oscillation emission.
Each press
increases the
emission count to
Emission count mode
Emission count mode 3,000fpm
Emission count mode 6,000fpm
* If the doubled emission count (frequency) goes beyond the value in the measurement range, the key
operation will be disabled.
The emission count (frequency) after change provides the value according to the setting display
resolution (for details about the setting display resolution, refer to
5 Specifications
). For this reason,
after pressing the x2 key and doubling the emission count (frequency), the value may not be returned
to the initial value even by pressing the "÷2" key and halving it.
2) To change the emission count (frequency) to half of the current setting value
Each press of the "÷2" key changes the emission count (frequency) to half of the current setting
value on internal oscillation emission.
Each press
decreases the
emission count to
Emission count mode
Emission count mode 750fpm
Emission count mode 375fpm
* If the half of the emission count (frequency) goes below the value in the measurement range, the key
operation will be disabled.
The emission count (frequency) after change provides the value according to the setting display
resolution (for details about the setting display resolution, refer to
5 Specifications
). For this reason,
after pressing the ÷2 key and halving the emission count (frequency), the value may not return to the
initial value even by pressing the x2 key and doubling it.
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