iC3 ARC In-Ceiling Loudspeaker Installation Guide
Note: it’s ok to let the fiberglass insulation lay on the back of the speaker.
7. Begin to tighten the screws that at first rotate the dog-legs out 45˚ and then start to move downwards to clamp the ceiling and
bracket. Tighten the screws carefully but snugly, making sure to not over tighten, as this may compromise the fit of the speaker as-
sembly. The use of power screwdrivers is not recommended but if you must, set the toque ratchet setting at its least resistive posi-
tion and the speed very low. The speaker frame lip should rest flush and seal against the ceiling. The spring loaded mounting clamps
provide tension once installed.
8. Once all the screws are snug and speaker secure, install the grill. It uses magnets to attach to the speaker. You will notice a
gauzy-white cloth on the speaker side of the grill. It’s called “scrim cloth” and helps hide the speaker’s silhouette from showing
through the grill. Do not remove this scrim under penalty of law!
Fig. 4
Installation: New Construction Continued....