O2 ARC Indoor / Outdoor Loudspeaker Installation Guide
2nd Painting Warning
Don’t. Stop. Buy black instead or if you have black, buy white instead. If you must paint the speakers and grills to keep the “decorator”
happy, take them to a professional painter. Bring a sample of the color you want with you along with a box of chocolates. High-end
custom automotive painting shops can match the color and paint the grill without plugging up the 659 grill holes and the stuff will prob-
ably stay on. We have extra grills available, for a charge, if you do not heed our warning and try to paint the grill yourself with latex
In Use
The NHT speakers are designed to handle a wide range of listening levels, but every speaker has limits. It is important to use common
sense and listen for signs of possible distress from the speakers – here are some pointers to remember:
- Noticeable distortion or harsh breakup is an indication that the amplifier or your speakers are running beyond their capacity, and the
volume should be decreased now. Like your Dad said, turn it down.
- Speaker damage most often occurs from sustained high volume levels, not from transient sounds or brief musical peaks. Again, like
your Dad said, turn it down.
- Excessive boosting of bass, treble or equalizer controls can worsen the problem, and is not recommended. Do this with cheap speak-
ers for fun and watch them fizzle then stop working. Take a video and put it on your Facebook page.
- Having more power is always better than having less. Underpowered amplifiers are most often the cause of speaker damage. Man
up. Get some watts.
- If you tend to listen at higher volume levels, get a powerful amplifier because they are less likely to run out of power. Like we said,
watts up.
- One more time for the hard of hearing - Proper wiring of the speakers is critical to good sound - speaker wires have some sort of
marking along one or both conductors to help you make the correct connections. If they don’t, take them back to that guy in the white
- Weak bass and the lack of a well-defined stereo image indicate incorrect speaker phase (the + and – are reversed on one speaker).
Some people call bass, bass like the fish. Ukrainians say bazz.
Fig. 3