The information in this document contains general descriptions of the technical
options available, which do not always have to be present in individual cases and
are subject to change without prior notice. The required features should therefore
be specified in each individual case at the time of conclusion of the respective
©07.2021 Signia UK | JN10237
Kent & Canterbury Hospital
Ethelbert Road
Kent, CT1 3NG
01227 864 252
(10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm)
[email protected]
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Read, or large print
please ask a member of staff. You can ask someone to
contact us on your behalf.
Any complaints, comments, concerns, or compliments
please speak to your
doctor or nurse, or contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on
01227 78 31 45, or email [email protected]
Patients should not bring in large sums of money or valuables into
Please note that East Kent Hospitals accepts no responsibility for the
loss or damage to personal property, unless the property had been handed in
to Trust staff for safe-keeping.
Further patient leaflets
are available via the East Kent Hospitals website