; US VeriSign, Inc.
Class 3 Public, primary certification
SMS is a kind of network service that cannot
be used to send and receive short messages until
you apply to the network operator.
Both SIM cards of the mobile phone can
send and receive SMS. The SMS is sent to the
SMS center of the network and then sent by the
network to the target user (GSM user). If the user
does not switch on the mobile phone or the
mobile phone cannot receive the SMS (the
memory is full), the network will save the SMS
temporarily. The duration of storage depends on
sender’s settings and network service provider.
With this function, the mobile phone can
send and receive chain text messages, which may
affect the message fees. For more information,
please consult the service provider.
When the SMS capacity is full, there will be
an SMS icon flickering on the standby interface.
The full capacity can affect SMS reception. Delete
some SMS to solve the problem.
If the other party has received SMS, you will
hear the alert sound from the mobile phone (if