Hunan Next Generation Instrumental T&C Tech. Co., Ltd.
N3410 Series
Triple-channel Programmable DC Power Supply
4 Operation
4.1 Menu
Figure 7 Menu
1. Lock icon
When this icon shows, it means N3410 buttons are locked. The other buttons are
invalid in this case.
2. Ethernet connection icon
When this icon shows, it means N3410 has been connected to PC or other control
devices through the Ethernet cable.
3. USB connection icon
When this icon shows, it means a USB flash drive has been connected to N3410
through the USB port.
4. Beeper icon
When this icon shows, it means beeper setting is ON.
5. Channel icon
It shows the channel number of three channels.
6. Alarm
The protection of specific channel occurs.
7. Channel state
There are three states: OFF, CV ON and CC ON.