The WAVE Portal
Cel-Fi WAVE is Nextivity’s SOC2 Type 1 compliant cloud-based software platform from which Cel-Fi apps and
connected capabilities are hosted and driven. Current-generation Cel-Fi products feature embedded connectivity that
allows them to connect to the WAVE cloud. The WAVE portal and apps are used to facilitate software updates,
registration, commissioning, installation, optimization, and troubleshooting. The Cel-Fi WAVE platform continues
to expand in features and function.
In order to use the WAVE portal and related capabilities, you must be registered with the system. To request access
to the WAVE portal go to:
Once you are registered, the URL for the WAVE portal is:
Alarms, Alerts, and Policies
Cel-Fi systems support a variety of standard alarm conditions.
Use the Notifications page in the WAVE portal to view a listing of notifications (alerts) sent to inform specified
users of alarm conditions occurring in installed systems, or assets within systems. You can access and view
Notification Detail by double-clicking a displayed notification.
A wide variety of standard alarm conditions are available.