1. First connect the Ethernet cable from the network (wall*) to the Ethernet Port (NET) marked on the
back of the phone.
2. Note: Ethernet cable from the wall may be already connected to your computer/laptop. If so,
remove Ethernet cable from the desktop/laptop and connect it to the Ethernet Port (NET) marked
on the back of the phone.
3. Next connect another Ethernet cable into the PC port marked on the back of the phone. The
Ethernet cable will connect to the Ethernet port on your Desktop Computer or Laptop.
First connect the Ethernet cable from the network (wall*) to the Ethernet Port (NET) marked on the back of
the phone.
Note: Ethernet cable from the wall may be already connected to your computer/laptop. If so, remove Ether-
net cable from the desktop/laptop and connect it to the Ethernet Port (NET) marked on the back of the
Next connect another Ethernet cable into the PC port marked on the back of the phone. The Ethernet cable
will connect to the Ethernet port on your Desktop Computer or Laptop.
Aquabella - Nextiva
Ver. 1.5 Approved: April 21, 2021