2: Configuring a Point-to-Multipoint Repeater
Verint Video Intelligence Solutions
To power the device:
1. Plug the power cable on the main connector of the device.
2. In 12V DC, connect each power wire of the power cable to the
corresponding wire of the power supply: the red wire to the input (+)
wire and the black wire to the ground wire (-). For more information,
refer to the power supply documentation.
3. In 24V AC, connect each power wire of the supplied cable to a wire
on the power supply. Both wires are used for power.
4. Connect the electrical plug into the outlet.
Note: Power supplies other than the approved ones (PS2440) require
verification of operation with the S4300-RP before use.
If you are using a power supply other than the one supplied by
Verint, you need to ensure that it has a minimum capacity of 1.6A
(for 12V DC) or 25 VA (for 24V AC).