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u s i n g i t f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e .

i s h i g h , t h e b a t t e r y p a c k m a y

W h e n t h e p o r t a b l e D V D p l a y e r i s
p o w e r e d f r o m t h e b a t t e r y p a c k a n d
i f t h e p l a y e r h a s n o t b e e n o p e r a t e d
f o r a b o u t 1 0 m i n u t e s w i t h t h e p o w e r
s w i t c h e d o n , t h e p l a y e r w i l l t u r n o f f
T h e b a t t e r y p a c k b e c o m e s h o t a f t e r
u s e a n d t h e p o r t a b l e D V D p l a y e r
a l s o b e c o m e s h o t d u r i n g u s e . T h i s

W h e n t h e b a t t e r y p a c k i s n o t t o b e
u s e d f o r a l o n g p e r i o d , b e s u r e t o
r e m o v e i t f r o m theportableDVD
p l a y e r . I f t h e b a t t e r y p a c k i s l e f t
y o u t r y t o c h a r g e i t l a t e r .

o n w h i l e t h e b a t t e r y p a c k i s n o t f u l l y
s o m e t i m e s b e u n s t a b l e . B e s u r e t o
c h a r g e t h e b a t t e r y p a c k f u l l y b e f o r e



a n d 2 5 .Avoidstoring




W h e n t h e b a t t e r y p a c k i s s t o r e d f o r
a l o n g p e r i o d , a t l e a s t o n c e a n y e a r
i t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t o d i s c h a r g e i t
r e c h a r g e i t f u l l y a n d s t o r e i t a g a i n .


s h o r t , t h e b a t t e r y m a y b e r e a c h i n g
t h e e n d o f i t s l i f e . T h e b a t t e r y p a c k
c a n b e u s e d f o r a b o u t 3 0 0 c y c l e s o f

To d i s p o s e o f a u s e d b a t t e r y p a c k ,
w r a p a p i e c e o f t a p e a r o u n d t h e


D a n g e r o f e x p l o s i o n i f b a t t e r y i s
R e p l a c e o n l y w i t h t h e s a m e o r

Содержание SDV37-SQ

Страница 1: ......

Страница 2: ...itfromtheapparatus 11 Onlyuseattachments accessoriesspecifiedbythemanufacturer 12 Useonlywiththecart stand tripod bracket ortablespecifiedbythe manufacturer orsoldwiththeapparatus Whenacartisused usec...

Страница 3: ...CK MATCHWIDEBLADE OFPLUGTOWIDESLOT FULLYINSERT LASER Useofcontrols adjustmentsortheperformanceofprocedures otherthanthosespecifiedmayresultinhazardousradiation exposure Topreventdirectexposuretolaserb...

Страница 4: ...WARNING CAUTION CAUTION Toreducetheriskofelectricshock donotremovecover orback Nouserserviceablepartsinside Referservicingtoqualifiedservicepersonnel CAUTION Precautions...

Страница 5: ...ssotherwise authorizedbyMacrovision Reverseengineeringor disassemblyisprohibited FCCNOTICE Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRules Operationissubjectofthefollowingtwoconditions 1 this devicemaynotca...

Страница 6: ...nd Mainunitbottomside Remotecontrolunit frequently usedbuttons Remotecontrolunit other buttons Namesofbatterypartsand theirfunctions ConnectingtoaTV ConnectingtoaDolbyDigital DTS MPEGdecoderoranamplif...

Страница 7: ...31 32 32 33 33 34 BASICOPERATIONS ADVANCEDOPERATCONS ViewinginslowmotionDVDsand videoCDs RepeatingDVDs videoCDsand CDs Selectingangle multi angle ChangingfromAVOUT toAVIN Searchingforaspecificscene SY...

Страница 8: ...player Turnoffthepowerwhennotusingtheplayer Specialnoteregardinguseofplayerinvehicles Westronglyadviseagainstusingtheplayerwhiledriving Mostcountriesandstateshavelawswhichprohibitorseverelyrestrictthe...

Страница 9: ...oavoidleaving rubberorplasticproductsincontactwiththeplayerforlongperiodsoftime asthis maydamagethecabinet Whenusingchemicallytreatedcloths readthecloth s instructionscarefully Alwaysunplugthepowercor...

Страница 10: ...eportableDVDplayerisswitched onwhilethebatterypackisnotfully charged theoperationmay sometimesbeunstable Besureto chargethebatterypackfullybefore use Thebatterypackshouldbestored underansurroundingtem...

Страница 11: ...edonthetablebelowcanbeplayedonthisplayerwithoutan adapter Themarksshownonthetablebelowareindicatedonthedisc slabel package orjacket MarksindicatedonDVDs DVDdiscsorpackagesincludethemarksshownbelow The...

Страница 12: ...normally onemoviecorrespondstoonetitle Onkaraokediscs onesongcorrespondsto onetitle Somediscsarenotdividedinthisway however sobecarefulwhenusing thesearchandprogrammingfunctions DVDS Chapter1 Chapter...

Страница 13: ...hoosethevariouscorrespondingsettingsaccordingtotheconnected equipment WithDVDsitispossibletousesetuptochangethesubtitleandaudiolanguages andselectthedesiredsoundmodefromamongmultiplesoundtracks Inorde...

Страница 14: ...CheckingtheAccessories Afterunpacking checkthatalltheaccessorieslistedbelowareincluded AC DCadapter Card typeremotecontrolunit Softcarryingbag Earphone...

Страница 15: ...econtrolunitwithinthespecifiedoperatingrange Replacing the battery Lithium battery CR2025 InsertyourfingernailsintoAand Bonthediagrambelow pressA accordingtothedirection thenpull outthebatteryholder R...

Страница 16: ...Remotecontrolunitoperatingrange Approx 5 meters Theremotecontrolunitcanoperatewithinadistanceofapproximately5meters Remote ControlUnitandMainUnitPreparations Note...

Страница 17: ...dcrystaldisplay Speakers Controlsection Remotesensor Powerindicator Theremotecontrolsignalsarereceivedhere Controlbuttons Off Nopowerconnection Mainunitcontrolsection Red Theplayerissettostandbymode B...

Страница 18: ...ginningofprevious nexttracksorchapters Keeppressingitforabout1 5secondsduringplaybacktoswitchplayingspeedof backward forwardthroughX2 X4 X8 X20 X2 Pressittoadjustdisplaymode Pressittopopoutthedisc Mai...

Страница 19: ...eadphone InputoroutputvideosignalstoconnecteddevicebysettingAVIN OUTmodevalue TheincludedAVcableisconnectedhere ConnecttheincludedACadapterhere Mainunitrightpanel LoaderstatusindicatorLED Indicateload...

Страница 20: ...t Theunitcanstandwiththisdevice Mainunitbottomside HoleforBatteryPack NutforBatteryPack Batteryconnector Howtostand Pulloutthesupport Drawoutthesupporttoaproperposition Pulldownthebuttontolockit 1 1 3...

Страница 21: ...ward Usethisbuttontoplay orpause playback Forwarddirection Backwarddirection Pressthisbuttontodisplaythe DVD smenuscreen MENUbutton STOPbutton Pressthisbuttontostopplayback STEP SLOWbuttons Pressthisb...

Страница 22: ...pictureonscreen REPEATbutton ForDVDs usethisbuttontoplaytitles orchaptersrepeatedly ForCDs use thisbuttontoplaytracksortheentire discrepeatedly SHIFTbutton Presstheshiftbuttontoswitchnumber function D...

Страница 23: ...hepoweradaptertorecharge AC DCadapter Supplypowertotheplayer Donotshort circuittheterminals CAUTION Whenthebatteryisdischarging LEDisoff Whenrechargingthebattery LEDisred WhentheLEDturnsfromREDtooff m...

Страница 24: ...ideoinputjack yellow To audioinputjack white To audioinputjack red Signal flow Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Beforeconnecting Turnoffthepoweroftheplayerandthedevicestobeconnected ConnectingtoaTV...

Страница 25: ...speaker left Center speaker Front speaker right Subwoofer Surround speaker right Signal flow Mainunitleftpanel Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Withthisplayer youcanenjoypowerfulDolbyDigital DTSorM...

Страница 26: ...Carefullychecktheplayersdigital outputsettingsbeforeconnecting theplayertoanamplifierequipped withadigitalaudioinputjackwhich isnotDolbyDigital DTS MPEG compatible DonotplayDVDswhentheaudio settingsar...

Страница 27: ...Connecting the PlayertoOtherDevices Connectingtoactivespeakersystems...

Страница 28: ...hevolumetominimumlevel thenadjustthevolumetocomfortable level Becarefulnottosetthevolumetotoohighlevelwhenusingearphone ItisnotpossibletohearthesoundofDTS compatibleDVDsoverearphone Strong noiseisprod...

Страница 29: ...ethe powercordfrombatterypack Rechargingusuallycompletesinabout3 5 4 5hours Chargethebatterypackfullybeforeusingitforthefirsttime PlacethebatterypackandAC DCadapterona flatsurfaceforrecharging Donotsh...

Страница 30: ...notmalfunction Thebatterypackmaynotberechargedfullyifrechargingatahotplace Donotrechargeitunderveryhotenvironment itmaycauseexplosion Thesurroundingtemperatureduringrechargingaffectstherechargeefficie...

Страница 31: ...nnectingthebatterypackandpoweron pressOSDbuttononremotecontrolatPLAY PAUSEorSTOPstatustoshowsymbol Thissymbolindicatescapabilityofthebatterypack Whilethebattery packhaslowercapacity willbeflashedtorem...

Страница 32: Atstandbymode whenthepower LEDislitred thepowercanalso beturnedonbypressingthe standbybuttonontheremote controlunit KeeppressingtheONbutton onthemainunitforabout1 5 seconds Remotecontrolunit Hint...

Страница 33: ...ayback Functions Loading PressOPENbuttontoopen Notes 3Theplayerstartsloading 2 Pushthediscintodisc windowandthediscwillbe slottedinautomatically Thediscwillgooutasfigure1shows Ifnodiscthennothinghappe...

Страница 34: ...ructionsonthedisc smenuscreenwhichiscalledPBC playbackcontrol Hint ForvideoCDs itisalsopossibletoplayadiscwithoutdisplayingthemenuscreen Forexample press1 numberbutton whileatSTOPmodetoplaytrack1 ForC...

Страница 35: ...hitwasstopped PresstheSTOPbutton Playbackwillbestopped Resumefunction DVDsandVideoCDs exeptVCD2 0withPBCfunctionon After theSTOPbuttonispressed iftheplaybuttonispressed playbackwillstartfromthe positi...

Страница 36: ...arefulnottoscratchthemwhenremovingthemfromtheplayer Pressthepreviousbuttonduringplayback Afterpressingthepreviousbutton playbackreturnstothebeginningoftheprevious chapterortrack Removingthedisc 1 2 3...

Страница 37: ...utlet Disconnect theACadapterfromtheplayer sDCinputjack CAUTION WhenconnectingtheplayertoanexternalTVmonitor pleasemakesurethat forbetteraudioandvisualperformance youswitch adjustthe TVsystem Marked t...

Страница 38: ...eoCDsandCDs RepeataTitle Chapter orTrack RepeatasectionbetweenpointAandB PresstheREPEATbutton Selectthetitle chapter ortrackyouwanttorepeat Duringplayback pressA Bbuttonontheremotecontrolunitatthestar...

Страница 39: ...duseitasaTFTMonitor DefaultsettingisAVOUT PressMODEbuttononmainunitandswitch LCDmodetoAVIN OUT Press or buttontoswitchbetweenAVOUT andAVIN AvoidtoinputAVsignalsfromAVJACKwhen theplayerissettoAVOUT ori...

Страница 40: 3PresstheDOWNbuttontohighlightthedesiredoption PressENTERorpress Righttoselect thechoicesofthatoptionappear 4PressLEFT RIGHT UP DOWNbuttonstohighlighttheEXITSETUPoption then pressENTERorSETUPagaint...

Страница 41: ...yourDVDplayerisconnectedtoaPALTV ThedefaultsettingisNTSC NOTE SettingwithincorrectTVsystem willresultinblackandwhitepictureonyourTVscreen SCREENSAVER Ifthescreensaverison whenyourDVDplayerisatSTOPorNO...

Страница 42: ...tratio height to widthratio You llseetheentireframeofthemovie Themovie mightappearwithblackbarsatthetopandbottomofthescreen 4 3PS Pan Scan ChoosingthissettingifyourDVDplayerisconnected toanormal ratio...

Страница 43: ...gitnumbersand pressOKbuttontolockitagain RATING TheRatingfeatureworkswithDVDdiscsthathavebeenassignedarating ThishelpsyoutocontrolthetypesofDVDsthattheplayercanbe watched Thereareeightlimitedratingopt...

Страница 44: ...re5optionalOSDlanguages English German Spanish FrenchandItalian HighlighttheAUDIOLANGoption andpressLEFT RIGHT UP DOWNtochooseaudio languageyouprefer PressENTERbuttontoconfirm Ifthediscyouareplayingha...

Страница 45: ...ighttheMENULANGoption andpressLEFT RIGHT UP DOWNtochoose menulanguageyouprefer PressENTERtoconfirm Ifthediscyouareplayinghas thatlanguageavailable itwilldisplaysmenuinthatlanguage Thereare8optional me...

Страница 46: ...uttedfromopticaljack SPDIF RAW ChoosethissettingifyourDVDplayerisconnectedtoapower amplifier withaopticalcable WhenplayingadiscrecordedwithDolbyDigital DTSandMPEGaudioformats thecorrespondingdigitalsi...

Страница 47: ...ST H U E SATURATION EXITSETUP BRIGHTNESS 12 10 8 6 2 4 0 BRIGHTNESS UsetheUPandDOWNbuttonstomovethescrollandadjustthebrightness VIDEOSETUP H U E SATURATION EXITSETUP 12 10 8 6 2 4 0 CONTRAST BRIGHTNES...

Страница 48: ...ndadjustthehue VIDEOSETUP SATURATION EXITSETUP 6 4 2 0 4 2 6 BRIGHTNESS H U E CONTRAST SATURATION UsetheUPandDOWNbuttonstomovethescrollandadjustthesaturation VIDEOSETUP EXITSETUP BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST S...

Страница 49: ...DYNAMICRANGE Choosethissettingtoadjustthelineoutcompressingratio andgetdifferenteffect IfadjustingtoFULL theaudiosignalpeakvaluewillbe compressedminimum whileadjustingtoOFF maximum DIGITALSETUP EXITS...

Страница 50: ...nlightandplaces inwhichthetemperatureisextremelylow Readanycautionsincludedwiththedisc carefully Cleaningdiscs Fingerprintsordustondiscsmayreduce soundorpicturequality Removethembygentlywipingthedisc...

Страница 51: ...ggedin Playergetshot Notes Theplayermaystopoperationproperly duetostaticelectricityorotherexternal influences Inthiscase usuallysolve theproblembyunpluggingthepower cordandthenpluggingitinagain Ifstil...

Страница 52: ......
