The LED indicator shows the status of the modem and indicates
when you are sending or receiving data.
LED Indicator
Modem status
Offl ine state. Power on, not registered.
Green solid
Registered on the 2G network
Green blinking
Data active on the 2G network
Blue solid
Registered on the 3G network
Blue blinking
Data active on the 3G network
Connection Manager Icons Description
Connect to the internet
SMS Messages
My Account
Connection information
BigPond® Mobile Broadband Plans
New SMS message in your Inbox
Network signal strength
Disconnected from the internet
Connected to the internet
Insert the modem into your computer
Slide out the USB connector and plug the USB modem into
your computer.
The computer will detect the new hardware and start the Install
Shield Wizard.
If nothing happens your system confi guration may be
preventing Autorun.
Windows users:
Double-click the Autorun.exe fi le to start the
software installation.
Mac users:
Open the Mobile Broadband Setup from your
File Manager, double click Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Broadband.
Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
The Connection Manager software will start automatically
and takes a few minutes to complete.
Activating your service
Once Connection Manager is installed, click the
fi ll in your details and follow the prompts.
Alternatively, call
12 58887
and follow the prompts.
When everything is ready the
Connect Now
button will
become available.