Two-Point and Three-Point Mooring Deployment
1. Connect all mooring components inside the boat. Stage the components so that they can be lifted
over the side of the boat and laid out without becoming entangled.
2. Navigate to the chosen location for the first anchor. The distance from the anchor location to the
location of the data buoy is best determined by drawing out a diagram of the mooring system and
calculating the horizontal distance, taking into account the lengths of the mooring lines and the
current water level.
3. Lift the anchor over the side of the boat and place it into the water. Pay out the mooring line as the
anchor sinks, using extreme caution to avoid entanglement of the mooring line with personnel and
equipment. Place the connected marker buoy in the water.
4. Move to the desired location of the data buoy. Pay out the mooring line from the first marker buoy to
the data buoy as the boat is moved.
5. Finalize sensor connections and apply power, then lift the buoy over the side of the boat and set it
in the water.
6. Move onward to the location of the second anchor as the mooring line connecting to the second
marker buoy is paid out.
7. Drop the marker buoy in the water and continue to the calculated location for the second anchor.
8. Lift the anchor over the side of the boat and lower it into the water.
a. Again, pay out the mooring line as the anchor sinks, using extreme caution to avoid
entanglement of the mooring line and especially to avoid entanglement of personnel with the
mooring line.
9. Repeat this process if a third mooring point is to be used.
Single-point mooring system on CB-450 data buoy.