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Quick ref guide
Alpha TDcontroller
Release : 0
Date : 03/12/99
In the « Wideband » position the cabinet is exploited to its maximum capacity. This position should be
used if the system is used in the 3WAY mode. It can also be used along with the Alpha S2 Subbass, and
in that case there will be a boost in the cross over area.
The « Cross over » position is recommended while using the Alpha S2 Subbass (4 WAY mode). Your
main system will not be as stressed, and the tonal balance will be more « natural ».
II.2. LF Eq
The LF Eq trim allows you to tune a shelving filter (Fc 500Hz), in order to increase or decrease the bass
section (this trim will act on both M4 & B1 output). This function may be very useful to compensate the
coupling effect that vary according to the structure and size of your array.
The range is -/+ 6dB.
II.3. LEDs
II.3.a. Amplifier control
The green Senses LED indicates signal presence at sense input on each channel, allowing visual control
of the return connection from the amplifier output.
The red Pk LED indicates Peak limiter action reducing excessive peak voltage or levels capable of
overloading the amplifier.
II.3.b. Protection indicator
Yellow LED lighting up indicates that temperature or displacement protections are in action on the
relevant channel.
II.3.c. Power LED
At the leftmost extremity of the TDcontroller a green LED shows if the unit is powered.
II.4. Peak Limiter adjustments
The Alpha TDcontroller features three independent peak limiter trims which allows you to tune the peak
limiter according to the power of the amp. The peak limiter has no real protection function, it must be
tuned to avoid the clipping of the amp which could generate some strange artifacts.
To set the peak limiter at the correct value you can either turn the trimmer clockwise until the red LED
lights at the same time that the clipping LED of the amp, or use the graduation (power value given under
II.5. Gain control
Three 12 dB range trimmers are provided to set the gain each channels. This gain control is useless if
you are using amplifiers having the same gain. If you’re using constant sensitivity (1.4V or 0.7V) with
different amps powers, you will have to correct the gain difference between the amplifiers.
The factory position is mid (detent) which correspond to a 0 dB gain