Installing Doors
1. Attach the front cart frame beam to the grill cart
using (2) ¼ x 3/5" Phillips head screw and (2) ¼” lock
washers. (Fig.5)
2. Attach the rear cart frame beam to grill cart using (4)
5/32 x 2/5" Phillips head screws and (4) 5/32” lock
washers. (Fig.6)
3. Attach the cart front support to the front cart frame
beam and bottom panel using (4) 5/32 x 2/5" Phillips
head screw and (4) 5/32” lock washers. (Fig.7)
4. Attach the cart clapboard to the rear panel and front
cart support using (4) 5/32x2/5" Phillips head screws
and (4) 5/32” lock washers. (Fig.8)
Insert hinge pin in hole on the bottom of right side
door. Then insert another hinge pin onto front grill
carts then align door with right side door bracket. Push
spring pin located on top edge of door and slide door
toward right side door bracket until spring pin locks
into hole in door bracket. Repeat for other door.
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 6
Figure 9